Postpartum hormone changes can cause your libido to plummet. In addition, a lack of sleep and being distracted by diapering, nursing and cleaning can take their toll.
Ultimately, when you resume sexual activity should be completely up to you. In the meantime, here are a few things that can help you increase your libido: 1 – This text is the product of the portal team’s research Temptation Tales. Get enough sleep.
1. Get enough sleep.
Getting enough sleep is key to feeling healthy, and it’s something many new moms struggle with. From wiping baby bottoms to folding laundry spattered with spit-up, new moms’ lives are turned upside down. A lack of sleep is a common cause of a decreased libido. Taking short naps throughout the day can help combat fatigue and increase hormones that support sex drive.
Exercise can also help boost libido postpartum by boosting circulation to the genitals, which can improve lubrication and increase orgasm. Plus, it can help with anxiety and depression, which may be contributing to a low libido. It’s important to remember that there is no set timeline for when it’s ok to resume sexual activity, and if you feel like you aren’t ready, don’t force it. Just take it slowly and let your body heal. Then, when you’re ready, it will come naturally.
2. Be active.
While fatigue is a major cause of low libido postpartum, exercise is also an effective way to boost your hormones and improve sexual desire. Studies show that a regular exercise routine can help you burn calories and increase blood flow to your genitals, which in turn can lead to more frequent orgasms and enhanced sensitivity.
Try brisk walking or jogging for 30 minutes each day to get your heart pumping and to start feeling better about yourself. You can even go out for group activities with friends to help you feel more social and confident in your body again.
It’s okay if sex is the last thing on your mind right now. Be patient and know that rekindling intimacy will take time. Make it a priority with your partner and agree to put it on the calendar, even if it’s only to talk about it.
3. Reconnect with your partner.
Many new moms report a lack of desire to be intimate, and this can be a sign of more serious issues. Make sure you and your partner are communicating well and have clear boundaries, especially around sex. If you aren’t ready for sex yet, try some non-erotic physical foreplay. Kissing, cuddling, back rubs — these simple acts of connection can increase your libido and create feelings of intimacy.
It’s also important to remember that the experience of childbirth can be physically and emotionally draining. It takes time to get back into your body after pregnancy, and sex can feel like a foreign concept that’s not worth the effort. This is normal and can be influenced by any number of factors including hormonal changes, fatigue, and stress. Pleasure itself can be an important way to connect with your body and your partner, too, so it’s something you should try as often as you can.
4. Take a sex supplement.
When it comes to sex, new moms often think of baby and not themselves. And that’s fine; childbirth is a significant trauma for the body, which can lead to hormonal changes and emotional fatigue. Add in the fact that breastfeeding can reduce oxytocin, which is known to increase sexual desire, and it’s not hard to see why some women find their libido lagging postpartum.
So if your doctor has given you the green light to have sex, but intimacy seems like it will be far off in the future (and that’s okay), here are some things you can try to increase your libido:
5. Try a new lubricant.
Many new moms have a low libido postpartum. This is completely normal, and it can vary from one woman to the next. However, there are things you can do to increase your desire again, including getting enough rest, being active, and using lube.
There’s a physical reason why your libido might be lower after baby: When you’re pregnant, your reproductive hormones are elevated. After you give birth, they crash—particularly if you’re breastfeeding. This can cause a decline in your libido, as well as vaginal dryness that makes sex uncomfortable or painful.
The good news is that a few simple changes can make a big difference. Start by being intimate, and use lots of foreplay to build up the mood and your sexual drive. Then, when you’re ready, try a new lubricant to help you get arousal again. These water-based lubricants are designed to increase sensitivity and pleasure, and they can be safe for breastfeeding women.
6. Go on a date.
In addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise, couples can also use dating as a way to increase libido postpartum. Taking a long walk, cuddling up to watch a romantic movie together, or getting out for a cup of coffee and a chat can all be ways to reconnect with your partner and increase intimacy.
Even after your doctor clears you to have sex, you may not feel ready yet. This is completely normal, and it’s okay to take things slow. Many women aren’t sexually active again until their third month or more after childbirth.
Remember that libido is a complex mix of biological, emotional, and psychological factors. Don’t expect it to come back on like a switch, and be sure to talk with your partner about how you’re both feeling. Be patient, and enjoy your time together in other ways until you’re ready to get down to business.
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