When You Lose Weight Do Your Boobs Get Smaller?

People store fat in different areas, and your boobs are no exception. However, the rate and type of weight loss can impact how your boobs shrink.

Yo-yo dieting can cause breast sagging because the constant gain and lose of pounds stresses the elastin and collagen that support your boobs, making them prematurely wear out. Steady, sustainable weight loss should prevent this.

Losing weight makes your boobs smaller.

Women whose boobs were a little on the larger side often find themselves purchasing smaller bras as a result of losing weight, which can be a bit of a bummer. But before you give up hope of preserving your fullness, know that there are things you can do to help your boobs stay perky.

Fitch explains that your breasts are made up of both fat and fibrous and glandular tissue, so when you lose weight overall, some of that will come from your chest. The amount of shrinkage your boobs experience, however, will depend on how much fat is stored there in the first place.

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You can also ward off sagging boobs by eating a healthy diet and doing regular strength training to tone your ta-tas. Steady, gradual weight loss is the way to go—anything too fast can cause your body and skin to freak out and loosen up, which can make your boobs look less firm. And try to stay out of the sun, as too much exposure can dry out your boobs and make them droopy.

Losing weight makes your boobs bigger.

Generally speaking, weight loss does make your breasts smaller. But how much they shrink depends on a few factors, says Fitch. First, it depends on how much fat your chest stores: breast tissue (which is fatty, not fibrous), glandular tissue, and the rest (which gives our boobs their shape). Also, it depends on the time of year: breasts are more sensitive to changes in body weight than other parts of the body because of fluctuations in hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, throughout the menstrual cycle. This is why many women notice their boobs getting larger or smaller before, during, and/or right after their periods.

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Losing weight makes your boobs stay the same.

When you lose weight, fat is typically lost everywhere—including in your boobs. However, if you lose too much weight, the breasts may deflate, or shrink, because a majority of your boobs are made of fat, not glandular or fibrous tissue. It’s like a balloon that’s been deflated too many times—the skin loses its ability to contract back to the original shape, which leaves it looking saggy and less firm.

Steady, gradual weight loss is the best approach to keeping your boobs looking perky, says Fitch. In addition, regularly doing upper-body exercises like chin-ups, barbell bench presses, and bent-forward cable crossovers will help build muscle to counteract any loss of fatty tissue. Plus, limit sun exposure, which can further dry out your skin. Keeping your boobs hydrated is also key.

Losing weight makes your boobs get bigger.

Losing weight is a major accomplishment for many women. Sticking to a consistent exercise routine and a healthy diet can result in toned muscles, more energy, and a smaller waistline. But it can also cause some women to lose a cup size or two. Boobs are very sensitive to changes in body weight, and the skin that surrounds breast tissue can become stretched out or droopy when you shed pounds. This is particularly true if you’re yo-yo dieting or trying to lose weight very quickly.

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The reason is that most of your boobs are made up of fat, along with fibrous (skin-like) and glandular tissue. When you lose weight, your fatty breast tissue will shrink, which means your boobs will get smaller. The good news is that if you’re losing weight overall, it’s unlikely that your boobs will shrink before any other areas of your body. However, this may be different during your monthly cycle, when hormones can make your boobs feel bigger due to the influx of estrogen and progesterone.

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