How to Increase Libido While on Mirena

Some forms of birth control can affect libido, especially those that change hormone levels. But luckily, there are other ways to boost libido when you’re on birth control.

One option is to switch to a non-hormonal birth control method, such as the copper IUD. This type of birth control uses copper ions to repel sperm.

1. Drink a lot of water

Whether or not birth control affects libido depends on a lot of factors, including hormone levels. Specifically, estrogen and progesterone (key hormones in many hormonal birth control methods) rise and fall throughout your menstrual cycle. Some women find that their libido gets higher around ovulation, while others feel more turned on during their period.

Mirena, a levonorgestrel-releasing hormonal intrauterine device (IUD), has been found to give some women a boost in libido. However, this isn’t the case for everyone, and if you’re feeling low on sex drive, it might not be due to your birth control.

If you’re unsure what’s causing your libido to drop, consider talking to your doctor. They can run tests to check for any medical causes and prescribe medication if needed. There are also natural supplements that can help increase libido. Examples include fenugreek, baron citrate, and S7. Try a supplement that contains a combination of these ingredients, like ASYSTEM’s Female Libido Gummies. They increase blood flow, boost energy, and balance sex hormones to promote a natural libido. They’re available at most pharmacies.

See also:  How Can a Woman Increase Her Libido?

2. Exercise

If you have the Mirena IUD, you may experience cramping during and after workouts. Exercise and intercourse can increase the intensity of these cramps, so it’s important to pay attention to your body and listen to it. If you notice any extreme or new pain, talk to your doctor.

Hormones play a big role in libido, and birth control can affect them. Some hormonal birth controls, like the Depo-Provera shot, cause a decrease in libido. Others, like the IUD and birth control implants (like the Implanon) have a more subtle effect.

Stress can also affect libido, and many people report lower libido during times of high stress. Fortunately, you can combat this by taking steps to reduce your stress levels. You can do this by getting in a good workout, practicing mindfulness meditation, or doing any other activity that calms you down.

3. Eat a healthy diet

A healthy diet is key to getting your body back into balance, and can also help you feel more sexy. Try incorporating more lean proteins, fruits, and veggies into your meals. Also, consider eating smaller meals more often to keep your metabolism on track.

If you notice that your birth control is negatively affecting your libido, talk to your gyno about it. They might be able to switch you to a different hormonal form of birth control, or suggest that nonhormonal options like the copper IUD might work better for you.

It’s normal for libido to go up and down over time, and can be affected by all sorts of things. Sometimes, stress from work or life changes can lower your libido, while other times you may just get more turned on than usual for no reason at all. In any case, low libido is nothing to worry about unless it affects your daily life or relationships. But there’s a lot you can do to increase your libido again, from trying some of these tricks to finding the right sexual partners for you.

See also:  How Long For Libido to Return After Stopping Birth Control?

4. Get plenty of sleep

You might need to make some changes to your lifestyle if you find yourself with a low libido while on Mirena. This includes getting plenty of sleep so you’re refreshed and ready to feel arousal. It’s also a good idea to try calming and soothing activities, like massages or reiki.

Hormones play a big part in libido, and many hormonal birth control methods decrease libido by decreasing estrogen levels. This can have a direct effect on testosterone, which is also a crucial hormone that supports healthy libido.

If you’re concerned about a change in your libido while on birth control, consider talking to your Virginia Beach OBGYN about switching to a different type of birth control. Options include the shot Depo-Provera, which requires a doctor’s visit, and birth control implants like Implanon that release hormones slowly over the course of a year or more.

If you want to stick with your birth control method but aren’t feeling sexy, try boosting your mood with libido-boosting supplements. These can include flibanserin, which is an FDA-approved drug that increases sexual arousal in premenopausal women. Other supplements that might help include ginseng, baron citrate, and fenugreek extract.

See also:  How to Increase Libido Postpartum

5. Take a supplement

If you have a hormonal birth control method, such as the pill or an implant, it can affect your libido. These types of birth control can decrease your testosterone and androgen levels, which lowers sexual arousal. They can also cause spotting and heavy bleeding, which can be disruptive to your relationship and can lead to anxiety about getting pregnant.

If your libido has decreased while you’re on the pill, try switching to a different type of hormonal birth control. Alternatively, consider using an internal condom during sex (like a sponge, diaphragm, or cervical cap) since these methods can boost libido and increase pleasure. They can also reduce pain and anxiety during sex, improve lubrication, and allow for orgasm during sex.

It’s normal for your libido to ebb and flow. A lot can impact it, including work stress, hormone changes during your menstrual cycle, or medication you take. A little trial and error should help you find a birth control method that works for you. However, you should consult your healthcare professional if your libido isn’t returning to its previous level.

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